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Scientific name: Panthera pardus

Swahili name [1]: Chui

IUCN status: Vulnerable

Threats and impacts:

Leopard populations are under multiple threats, from human persecution, habitat fragmentation and the wildlife trade to prey-base declines (hunting and bushmeat trade) and poorly managed trophy hunting. [2]  



Leopard Conservation Project is devoted to protecting leopards from hunting and trapping, as well as gathering data on populations and genetic diversity to inform scientific research.[3]

Interesting information: 

The leopard is the most widespread cat species, using stealth and versatility to adapt to a variety of habitats and conditions. [4]



[2] Stein, A.B., Athreya, V., Gerngross, P., Balme, G., Henschel, P., Karanth, U., Miquelle, D., Rostro-Garcia, S., Kamler, J.F., Laguardia, A., Khorozyan, I. & Ghoddousi, A. 2016. Panthera pardus (errata version published in 2016). The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2016: e.T15954A102421779. Downloaded on 15 August 2019.


[4] Estes, R. (2012). The Behavior Guide to African Mammals(20th Anniversary). Los Angeles, California: University of California Press.

Photo credit: Kay Law

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